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  1. Jammin
    Temp0 got a reaction from beesinside in Final Fantasy 11 - Piano Collection   
    I need some of these.
  2. Amazing!
    Temp0 reacted to beesinside in Final Fantasy 11 - Piano Collection   
    Hi there, I would love to have a few songs from ffxi but I figured the piano collection versions would sound the best with the limitations in maplestory 2.
    Having said that, here is my request (in order from highest priority/interest to lowest):
    #1 Wings of the Goddess
    #2 The Cosmic Wheel
    #3 The Sanctuary of Zi'tah
    There is sheet music available for the above songs which can be found a few places such as:
    Any of these would be amazing and would be greatly appreciated (if 3 is too many, I prefer wings of the goddess)!
    ...Greedy bonus... because I can't help it...
    If someone felt up to it and can do it justice, I would love to see jeweled boughs
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