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Tihana last won the day on June 11 2017

Tihana had the most liked content!


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  1. Concert will start at 17:00 Server Time- Ch6.
  2. Heya! So, During my last concert a few people came up with some ideas. Now, there will be a concert in my(tihana678) HS every Thursday for the next while. We'd like to add some other flair besides music, such as catering, a play, a joke intermission, and even a prize or two at the end! Bards can line up beind the fences. I Hope I've said something that may be of interest to you. Please come and enjoy! We'll be on channel 4 or 6. I'll be in Dunby by the unicorn statue to let people in. We dont have a set time schedule yet, but, it will be in the late afteroon to early/late evening. Come and go as you please. <3Now............down to the.........the............*sniffles*........... other stuff........IM in desperate need of volunteers! Such as Chefs... and people to bring firewood. I can supply any music things needed. Bards also! If interested and would like to know anything else, please PM me.
  3. Tihana


  4. Tihana

    He's A Pirate

  5. Tihana

    A Whole New World

  6. Tihana

    Tale as Old as Time.

  7. Tihana

    Lock Lomond (3 Person Jam)

  8. Tihana

    Lock Lomond

  9. Tihana

    Iron & Wine - Flightless Bird, American Mouth

  10. hehehe! Totally.
  11. MEMORIES *dies*
  12. lol thx guys. And Yea. I know what I am doing. Have been doing it for 7 years <3
  13. Tihana

    Promise of Heaven

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