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🎶 Raemonde

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Raemonde last won the day on January 4 2024

Raemonde had the most liked content!


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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Raemonde

    Fire Emblem - Together We Ride

  2. Raemonde

    Super Paper Mario - Champion of Destruction

  3. Raemonde

    Final Fantasy XIV - Answers

  4. Hum... maybe nows a good time to post my ghirahim and other cosplays. ....
  5. ​Chances are you will. I'm mostly active at insanely odd times. I am sometimes online at 3-7am eastern. Depends on what I have to do the next day.
  6. Thanks! I quite enjoy it so far,
  7. Hello. I'm Raemonde from the Alexina server. I'm quite sure most people have no idea who I am, but that's not to bad. I'm a digital artist who sometimes enjoys to create music, be it original music, or pieces that already exist. On Mabinogi, I tend to play mostly on Raemonde, but I have a few cosplay characters. Most notably are Ghirahim (Ghirahim) from the Zelda series, Faize (Darkfaize) from the star ocean series, Miran (Miranfroaude) from the Legend of the Legendairy Heroes. I am glad to be part of this community now
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