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🎶 Hanaan

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  1. Ooh your clicks are a lot better than the ones in mine... those were hard to figure out. I think mine has a more impactful drop but I kinda likes yours more overall for the crab clackd slone
  2. I cried.... again.... this song does this to me everytime!
  3. Oh right its up btw... its pretty long tho Its up btw, forgot to check back on this thread about it
  4. I'll have to pull it out again. A lot happened since I made this project (one of which becoming an SSR), and its kinda just fallen to the back of the folder its in... but I'll definitely try to get it done sometime soon if I can. I heard a solo ingame, idk if they put it on the site or not however.
  5. I'm always willing to help too if your in need of some pointers on how to do your uploads!
  6. A Remix within a Remix Remixception
  7. Hanaan

    NieR: Automata - Weight of the World

  8. Hanaan

    IA - A Tale Of Six Trillion Years And A Night

  9. Hanaan

    Shawn Wasabi - Otter Pop

  10. I love SnailChan! But where did you find this?
  11. I still think there are issues with using this..... but after manually editing 54 tracks in a 10 man ensemble, I have decided it probably has enough pros to outweigh the potential cons
  12. That was................... unexpected........ Did you write this yourself? Those 20k Electric Guitar notes tho X.X
  13. What a fun song!
  14. Everything seems right except for the volume balance unfortunately. Maybe it sounds better ingame (preview isnt perfect), but it may need another pass for balancing out the volumes. Otherwise the instrument selection is great!
  15. Doesn't matter, pick your favorite
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