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Everything posted by BunnehJay

  1. alright that is fine. just take your time and relax
  2. alright, awesome. and i do love labyrinth zone music even if i hate the stage itself lol
  3. i would love some of the music for starlight zone, marble zone, Chemical plant and Metropolis from the early sonic the hedgehog games
  4. @Viersell can i get the duet version of truly madly deeply?
  5. alright thanks. i'll look at it when it's approved
  6. i'll make it and look at it later when i can to check it out. thanks for posting it
  7. alright thanks, i'll try it out today when i get on. what rank is it btw? also just got on and heard it, it's nice on the lyre but could use a touch up a bit in some areas. but thank you for making it
  8. i would love to have this song for the lyre. i find it a beautiful song and i am hoping someone can make this for me
  9. welcome oh great and wonderful gf of mine
  10. can anyone make some of the songs listed?
  11. that's fine Alynnia. you go take care of your stuff. i'm in no rush for any of the songs
  12. any composer wanna try there hands on some of these songs?
  13. awesome thanks. can someone do sober truth by boondox next?
  14. BunnehJay


    welcome and don't kill the atoyume now lol
  15. i added another song to the list
  16. can you do sober truth next btw?
  17. what rank is safe and sound?
  18. awesome, thanks a lot
  19. i actually meant if i should put it into like melody, harmony 1 or 2
  20. lol well it was a nickname i grew up with. that and jay
  21. ok so do i just fit it all into 1 line then? if so do i just put it into melody?
  22. can you seperate the them? still learning how composing works with the notes
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