Wizardblizzard 0 June 10, 2015 · Edited September 1, 2015 by Wizardblizzard 3 of 3 members found this review helpful 3 / 3 members Report This music cheers me up. Just what the witch doctor ordered! Spot on arrangement, not one false note that I could hear. By the by: the song is originally by David Seville aka Ross Bagdasarian, 1958: http://www.songlyrics.com/david-seville/the-witch-doctor-lyrics/ . On Mabi mandolin this version sounds quite different (same tune, different effect) but in a good way. EDIT: Review was written before I'd tried it in the game. When played in Mabi, there's something the matter with it - it plays fine at first, but then the parts begin to get out of sync, and it ends in a jumble. Don't know exactly what's the matter but presumably someone more experienced (like the poster) would!