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Fate/Grand Order - Nine Drive ~ Koyanskaya's Strange Story

If you have Audio Playback Issues or Lag then click on the green 'Turn Off Visualizer' button to improve audio playback.
Click an Instrument to copy the MML!
If you are having trouble with audio playback or you are having audio 'lag' then click on the Green Button that says 'Turn off Visualizer' to the left in order to improve audio playback.

Q.) Silent Notes?
A.) If you have silent notes in your song preview, and they are not on pitch 89 or 90 then that means they are out of the allowable range for that instrument and therefore will not play.

Q.) No sound plays at all? || The wrong instrument sound is playing?
A.) The Instrument ID Map is most likely not set correctly, please report the submission so that it can be fixed.

Known Issues
- When replaying a song preview from the end the scroll bar does not snap back to the beginning of the song.

Author Comment By 🎶Galeforce

Played during the Koyanskaya (Tama Vitch) battle during Lostbelt 5.2 Olympus. This was played during a Halloween concert that was arranged last year. Thanks to everyone who participated in that concert. Credit goes to Mysic for the drums, and AuraDj for transcribing this masterpiece. Without them, this masterpiece wouldn't have existed in the first place. 

The Preview includes the Flute part, which is omitted in the submission due to the 8 part limit on this site. Because this music piece is actually 9 parts, I will include the Flute part in text below. The Flute part is Practice rank, so just about anyone can compose it. Here's the MML code for the Flute part:



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