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Pure Furies ~ Whereabouts of the Heart (Touhou 15: Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom)

   (1 review)

    This code format is for the game Mabinogi, not MapleStory2.

    This code format is for the game Mabinogi, not MapleStory2.

    This code format is for the game Mabinogi, not MapleStory2.

    This code format is for the game Mabinogi, not MapleStory2.

    Author Comment By 🎶Jainnifer
    Hello, happy people, and welcome to another one of my drooling Touhou fangasm inspired creations. Getting past Clownpiece in Stage 5 was absolute murder, but damn, did the music make up for it. Hell, all of LoLK was just spectacular. Junko's build-up and anticipation was simply inspiring, easily on par with Fires of Hokkai and Hellfire Mantle for me. The atmosphere was just amazing. Tell me what you think of this rendition!

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