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ReX/M2U - Heart of Witch [DJMax Black Square]

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    This code format is for the game Mabinogi, not MapleStory2.

    This code format is for the game Mabinogi, not MapleStory2.

    Author Comment By 🎶Phantasima
    Since Halloween is coming up I decided to hop on to make a random MML :D Fairy Tail ones will be out soon haha. I first heard this song from this AMV (Madoka Magica): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WRrRbvjXJOw and I've been wanting to make this MML for a while, but I was unable to find the sheet music for it. Lucky for me.... I found it (finally) AND a midi file to make sure it was perfect haha Hope you enjoy this *Kinda* creepy song from M2U :) Happy Halloween Mabinogians ~ Will work w/ Mando

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